domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Yglesias sobre la música grabada

 Since digital copies of recordings are non-rival and basically free to make, any non-zero sale price entails some deadweight loss. And since concert tickets are necessarily scarce, any sub-market price entails some deadweight loss. The optimal strategy for a popular band that wants to do something nice is market pricing for concert tickets, plus free recordings.
Y muy interesante el debate en los EE.UU sobre una proposición de Ley semejante a la Ley Sinde. Esta es la carta de un grupo de profesores y este es el artículo del NYT a favor de la Ley, diciendo, más o menos, que Shakespeare no habría existido sin copyright (aunque el Estatuto de Ana es muy posterior a la muerte de Shakespeare). Y este un comentario crítico con dicho artículo
We should pay artists for their work, but there are complexities in questions like "how much" and "how often" and "for how long" that are worth asking. There is no vacuum, and just as the authors of this article contend that the work of Shakespeare would probably have suffered for want of adequate compensatory model, so too would the work of Shakespeare have suffered if he had to buy the rights to many of the story lines or passages of text he cribbed in his plays.
Parece seguro que Shakespeare era un copión.

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